Independent retailers give our towns and high streets diversity. They make them unique and give us something to love that can only be found in that one place. They set you community apart from the thousands of other towns and high streets.


Bira CEO Andrew Goodacre and Ecommerce Manager Jayne Weldon join Karl McKeever. While Claire Leigh, founder of Two Ducks joins Mark Faithfull for this Retail Exchange Podcast: The Interview Bira x Neartoo



Discover how to use social media to increase footfall and sales, free of charge!

Free social media benchmarking tools here


At Bira, we’ve set up the #ShopLocal campaign to encourage shoppers to make the most of indies in their local community or in towns they visit.

By shopping locally you can:

  1. Find a world of discovery and a range of fresh and exciting products on your doorstep
  2. Support your local high street and improve the local economy
  3. Help to create more local jobs in your community
  4. Enjoy great customer service from people who value your custom
  5. Build friendships with local shop owners
  6. Touch and feel the products to make sure you have made the right choice
  7. Get dedicated help and support with making your product selection
  8. Give your shop owners feedback about the products you’d like them to stock
  9. Be sure that your local shop will give you a warm welcome!


If you are a consumer, look out for the ‘Bira says shop local’ stickers and take a look at the fantastic choice available from independent retailers!

bira-shop-local RGB

Thank you for supporting independent retailers. It is no secret that trading remains a challenge, but with your support we can ensure the continued success of local shops.


To All Retailers! Our #ShopLocal campaign helps highlight the value of shopping on your nearby high street. We are on a mission to encourage shoppers to spend more with independent shops like yours; shops that make high streets and towns diverse and interesting.

We’d love to hear from you! Do you have a local initiative that would benefit from linking up with us? Let us know and we’ll do what we can to help generate more footfall, more coverage and ultimately more sales, which helps your local area to prosper.

So, what can you do to help?

The Bira says Shop Local window stickers are a great way to promote the ‘local is better’ message. They have been designed for independent retailers to display, regardless of whether or not they are members of the British Independent Retailers Association (Bira).

If you own a shop and would like a sticker in your window just let us know and we will send one out free of charge. Please contact us by emailing or calling 0121 446 6688.


Fill in the form to request your shop Local window sticker

Show your support for independent retail and the diversity it brings to our high streets with a Shop Local window sticker.