Bira Legal

Unlimited support and advice

We've got it covered! Expert advice in employment law, HR, Tax, VAT, HMRC and Health and Safety when you need it, completely free for Bira members.



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Access our competitive card rates with next day settlement at no extra cost


From in-store payments to contactless and mobile solutions to next day settlement and no monthly PCI compliance fees (non-compliant fees still apply), Global Payments enable your customers to pay for goods and services quickly and easily.

Find out more about Card Processing


Insurance partnership: Bira and Expression Insurance Services Limited


Access our exclusive retail-specific enhancements, bespoke packages, generous cover limits & advice, delivered by our partner Expression Insurance.


Find out more about our insurance

With built-in discounts for positive online customer reviews, Expression Insurance rewards well-run businesses and can adjust cover levels to suit your needs.

Obtaining a quote is easy and there is no paperwork to fill out; simply enter your business name and postcode to see your quote in less than 30 seconds.


Get the quote here

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Bira supplier directory

For Members

Over 160 promoted suppliers sourced from a wide range of product areas, our members enjoy access to lower terms and prices.

For Suppliers

The opportunity to sell to over 7,000 businesses throughout the UK, with guaranteed payment..

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Bira Direct Supplier Directory

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Retail sectors

We are proud to support, advise and lobby on behalf of all independent retail businesses in the UK, from local DIY & hardware stores to health stores, cafes & eateries, boutiques, salons, fashion retailers, department stores and more.

Take a look at your retail sector to see how Bira membership can support your business.






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All Testimonials
Bira saves us a lot on bank charges so that’s really good financial support and it's good to know there's someone on the other end of the phone you can go to. 
Lucy Mathews - Bookends